A Look Ahead - Transits/Progressions (For Returning Clients)


A Look Ahead - Transits/Progressions (For Returning Clients)

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For returning clients. (If I haven’t done a natal chart reading for you, please choose that option first, or the combo option). This is the next step that follows the natal chart reading which is necessary for a more complete picture of your personal astrology.

An evolutionary astrology “predictive” look ahead. This reading uses astrological timing methods (transits and progressions) to unpack your current and upcoming planetary weather, timing of developmental themes that may be already underway, and how to best work with these “fields of probability” and possibility. Insights and guidance to assist you in making appropriate choices that will promote self-growth and evolution, and avoid unnecessary trouble. Your free will remains intact and empowered as you choose your responses to these events- we will explore the best questions for you to consider at this time.

Reading done by phone (not recorded), or recorded and audio reading delivered by email.