Natal Chart


Natal Chart

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An in depth and detailed synthesis of your birth chart, the significant features (both potentials and pitfalls) and how to work with it all. Looks at the chart as your current life’s lesson plan, a guide or blueprint for your soul to evolve. Helps you to understand yourself better, shows your potential soul path, your talents, strengths, resources, and also your possible blind spots and challenging areas. Astrology’s language is symbolic and coded. This won’t be a list of descriptives about you that you likely already know, but rather an analysis and translation of the kosmic keys of your essential nature and life potential.

Two options: 1) Audio natal reading + chart PDF emailed. (The recording will be sent via Google drive).
2) Live phone call and chart PDF emailed. (You are responsible for recording the session on your device if you’d like it recorded). *Both options are for approximately 60-75 minutes.
Send a note when you send your payment to let me know if there is a particular area of focus you’d like to concentrate on and also a brief description of what’s going on for you currently that prompted you to reach out for a reading.
Please note that there is often a waiting list for readings. Sending in your payment and email note puts you on the waiting list if there is one. Please reach out before or after payment to check in about waitlist times. (Allow 2-3 weeks to receive your reading - it’s usually not that long, but just in case…).
*If I have done your natal chart in the past, please write to me and receive a super special rate for an update.